Menoreg Syrup 300 ml

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    Pack of: 1

    Quantity: 300 ml

    Packaging Type: Bottle

    Product Type: Proprietary Ayurvedic Medicine

    Ideal For: Woman

    Mfg License No: UKAY-195/2010/2012

    Product Information:

    Menoreg Syrup is advised as ayurvedic proprietary medicine to improve menstrual disorder-related conditions including, irregular menstruation, heavy bleeding during menstruation, painful menstruation, premenopausal symptoms, uterine disorder, etc.

    Composition: Each 5 ml Syrup Contains Aqueous Extracts of :

    Ashoka (Saraca indica) 1800 mg Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) 250 mg Dhatki Pushpa (Woodifordia fruticosa) 140 mg Amla (Embelica officinalis) 20 mg Vibheetaki (Terminalia belerica) 20 mg Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) 20 mg Sunthi (Zingiber officinale) 20 mg Amrasthi (Mangifera indica) 20 mg Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus) 20 mg Rakt Chandan (Pterocapus santalinus) 20 mg Jeera safed (Cuminum cyminum) 10 mg Daru haldi (Berberis aristata) 10 mg Vasaka (Adhatoda vasica) 10 mg Pippali (Piper longum) 10 mg Neel Kamal (Nymphaea steliata) 10 mg Sahad (Honey) 500 mg Sugar q.s. and Excipients q.s.

    Key Benefits:

    • Improves menstrual disorder-related conditions including, irregular menstruation, heavy bleeding during menstruation, painful menstruation, premenopausal symptoms, uterine disorder, etc.

    Usage Direction:

    • Menoreg Syrup is recommended to consume orally in a dose & direction as advised by the health care professional.
    • Shake the bottle before use.
    • Keep the bottle tightly closed after every use.
    • Before consumption always goes through the leaflet or label instruction that comes with the product.

    Safety Information:

    • If allergic to any ingredients of Menoreg Syrup, let the doctors know straight away.
    • The doctor should become aware of the concomitant consumption of this one with another medicine or supplement.
    • To be taken under medical supervision.
    • Seek precaution during pregnancy & lactation.

    Storage Condition:

    • Store in a cool place, away from direct sunlight. Do not refrigerate.
    • Keep out of reach of children.

PTR: 156.36

MRP Rs. 218.90 | Discount 6%

300 ml

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Best Before Feb 2026


Menoreg Syrup 300 ml

Saraca Indica + Symplocos Racemosa + Woodifordia Fruticosa + Embelica Officinalis + Terminalia Belerica + Terminalia Chebula + Zingiber Officinale + Mangifera Indica + Cyperus Rotundus + Petrocapus Santalinus + Cuminum Cyminum + Berberis Aristata + Adhatoda Vasica + Piper Longum + Nymphaea Steliata + Honey

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