Espumisan Gold || View more products from Espumisan Gold
About Espumisan Gold Capsule:
Espumisan Gold Capsule is an anti-flatulence medication indicated for the management of flatulence and to relieve abdominal discomfort caused by the accumulation of excessive gas in the stomach.
Each Soft Gelatin Espumisan Gold Capsule contains Simethicone 140 mg.
Simethicone is a non-systemic surfactant that acts in the stomach and intestines to change the surface tension of gas bubbles, allowing smaller bubbles to join together into bigger bubbles resulting elimination of gas more easily by belching or passing flatus.
Use of Espumisan Gold Capsule:
Espumisan Gold Capsule is prescribed for the management of flatulence and to relieve abdominal discomfort associated with the accumulation of excessive gas in the stomach.
Usage Direction of Espumisan Gold Capsule:
Precaution & Related information of Espumisan Gold Capsule:
Storage condition of Espumisan Gold Capsule:
Upto end of this current lot. T&C Apply
MRP Rs. 82.00 | Discount 6%
Best Before May 2026