Amycordial 30 Tablets

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    Pack Of: 1

    Quantity: 30 N Tablets

    Product Type: Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine

    Outer Packaging Type: Mono Carton

    Food Preference: Veg

    Ideal For: Female

    Mfg. Lic. No.: DL-194 A&U / HP-151 Ay

    Product Information:

    Amycordial Tablet is a female health restorative tonic from nature to support female health. It also comes with hemopoietic, antioxidant, adaptogenic and anti-infective benefits.


    Each coated tablet of approx. 650 mg contains:

    A. Dried aqueous extracts derived from: Shatavar (Asparagus racemosus, Rt.): 200 mg, Putrajeevak Ø (Putranjiva roxburghii, Sd.): 200 mg, Majuphal (Quercus infectoria, Gall.): 100 mg, Jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata, Rt.): 100 mg, Chaulai Ø (Amaranthus spinosus, Pl.): 100 mg, Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia, St.): 100 mg, Amla (Emblica officinalis, Fr.P Dried.): 100 mg, Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla, Infl.): 100 mg, Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea,Stmn.): 100 mg, Neem (Azadirachta indica, Lf.): 100 mg, Amra Beej Majja (Mangifera indica, Sd.): 100 mg, Gajpippali (Scindapsus officinalis, Fr.): 100 mg, Chandershur Ø (Lepidium sativum, Sd.): 100 mg, Sunthi (Zingiber officinale, Rz. Dried): 50 mg, Santra Chilka Ø (Citrus reticulata Fr. Rd.): 50 mg, Anantmool (Hemidesmus lndicus, Rt.): 50 mg, Sheetal Chini (Piper cubeba, Fr.): 50 mg, Tagar (Valeriana wallichii, Rz.): 50 mg, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera, Rt.): 50 mg, Revand Chini (Rheum emodi, Rt.): 50 mg, Haridra (Curcuma longa, Dried. Rz.): 40 mg

    B. Powders: Guduchi ghan (Tinospora cordifolia Conc., St.): 30 mg, Methi (Trigonella foenum-graecum, Sd.): 20 mg, Vasa ghan (Adhatoda vasica Conc., Lf.): 20 mg, Hirabol Ø (Commiphora myrrha, Exd.): 20 mg, Raal (Shorea robusta, Exd.): 20 mg, Reetha Massi Ø (Sapindus mukorossi, Prcd.): 20 mg, Mukta Shukti Bhasam (Ay. Classical Preparation, Prcd.): 20 mg, Rasaunt (Berberis aristata Ext., Prcd.): 20 mg, Jira (Cuminum cyminum, Fr.): 15 mg, Yashad Bhasam (Classical Ay. Preparation, Prcd.): 10 mg, Vang Bhasam (Classical Ay. Preparation, Prcd.): 10 mg, Kashish Bhasam (Classical Ay. Preparation, Prcd.): 10 mg.

    C. Oil: Genhu Ankur Tail (Triticum sativum (Wheat) Germ Oil, Prcd.): 10 mg, Excipients Q.S. Processed in the decoction of Laghu Panchmool Ø (Classical Ay. Preparation, Prcd.), Anantamool (Hemidesmus indicus, Rt.), Gainda Ø (Tagetes erecta, Lf. & Fl.), Chaulai Ø (Amaranthus spinosus, Pl.), Doob (Cynodon dactylon, Pl.), Palak Ø (Spinacia oleracea, Lf.), Karpas mool Ø (Gossypium herbaceum, Root), Vata Jata (Ficus bengalensis, Aerial Rt), Vansh Patr Ø (Bambusa arundinacea, Lf.) & Juice of Ghrit kumari (Aloe vera, Lf. Pp. Jce).

    Colour Used - Erythrosine (C145430)

    Other Ingredients:

    Sodium Methylparaben, Sodium Propylparben

    Key Benefits:

    • Serves as a female health restorative tonic
    • Supports female health in nature’s way with hemopoietic, antioxidant, adaptogenic and anti-infective benefits

    Usage Direction:

    • Amycordial Tablet is intended to consume orally in a dose and direction as advised by the physician.
    • Before consumption, always go through the leaflet or label instructions that come with the product.

    Safety Information:

    • If allergic to any ingredients of Amycordial Tablet, let the physician know straight away.
    • The physician should be well informed when the concomitant consumption of this one with another medicine or supplement.
    • Seek precautions during pregnancy and lactation.

    Storage Condition:

    • Store in cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
    • Keep out of reach of children.

PTR: 137.54

MRP Rs. 195.00 | Discount 5%

30 Tablets

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Best Before Oct 2026


Amycordial 30 Tablets

Asparagus Racemosus + Putranjiva Roxburgii + Quercus Infectoria + Leptadenia Reticulata + Amaranthus Spinosus + Rubia Cordifolia + Emblica Officinalis + Mesua Ferrea + Azadirachta Indica + Callicarpa Macrophylla + Mangifera Indica + Leptidium Sativum + Scindapsus Officinalis + Zingiber Officinale + Citrus Reticulata + Hemidesmus Indicus + Piper Cubeba + Valeriana Wallichii + Withania Somnifera + Rheum Emodi + Curcuma Longa + Tinospora Cordifolia + Trigonella Foenum Gracum + Adhatoda Vasica + Commiphora Myrrh + Shorea Robusta + Sapindus Mukorossi + Extractum Berberis + Mukta Shukti Bhasam + Cuminum Cyminum + Yashad Bhasam + Vang Bhasam + Kashish Bhasam + Triticum Sativum Olie + Desmodium Gangeticum + Uraria Picta + Tribulus Terrestris + Solanum Surattense + Solanum Indicum + Tagetes Erecta + Cynodon Dactylon + Spinacia Oleracea + Gossypium Herbasium + Ficus Bengalensis + Bambusa Aurindicum + Aloe Vera Juice

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